
Smart & Connected Systems (SCS) Lab, UM Joint Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

课题组负责人 Principle Investigator: 金力 Li Jin


We are recruiting graduate and undergraduate research assistants. Candidates with STEM backgrounds are welcome to apply!

研究方向 Research Interests

  • 智能网联系统 Connected and autonomous systems

  • 人机互动 Human-machine interaction

  • 信息物理安全 Cyber-physical security

  • 随机控制 Stochastic control

  • 优化与博弈 Optimization and games

  • 强化学习 Reinforcement learning

主讲课程 Courses Taught

  • 应用数学方法(研究生) Applied math methods (G)

  • 随机控制与强化学习(研究生) Stochastic control and reinforcement learning (G)

  • 智慧城市中的决策问题(本科生) Decision making in smart cities (UG)

个人简介 About Me

学术任职 Academic Appointments:

  • 上海交通大学 Shanghai Jiao Tong University
    密西根学院 UMich Joint Institute
    电子信息与电气工程学院 School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering
    副教授 Associate Professor, 2022-
    助理教授 Assistant Professor, 2021-2022

  • New York University
    Tandon School of Engineering
    Assistant Professor, 2018-2020

学历 Education:

最新动态 Latest News

  • 2024.12:金力主持2024年IEEE CDC邀请组“Control for Smart Transportation Systems with Incomplete Information”。L. Jin chairs the invited session “Control for Smart Transportation Systems with Incomplete Information” at the 2024 IEEE CDC.

  • 2024.10: 金力于浙江大学做题为“网络系统在信息物理扰动下的自主响应与学习”的报告。L. Jin gives a talk titled “Autonomouse response and learning for network systems under cyber-physical disruptions” at Zhejiang University.

  • 2024.9: 潘家晟(本科上海交通大学)同学加入我组攻读博士学位,杨斯涵同学(本科西安交通大学)加入我组攻读硕士学位。J. Pan (B.S. SJTU) joins our lab as a PhD student. S. Yang (B.Eng. XJTU) joins our lab as a master student.

  • 2024.8:我组与我校周武元、张颂安老师联合申请的课题“基于强化学习的网络控制方法及其安全防护策略”获国家自然科学基金委资助。Our project ‘‘Learning-Based Network Control and Its Security Theory’’ is funded by the NSFC (in collaboration with Prof. M.-Y. Chow and Prof. S. Zhang).

  • 2024.7: 我组于《Transportation Science》发表论文“宏观交通流模型校准的物理引导机器学习方法”。 Our paper ‘‘Physics-Informed Machine Learning for Calibrating Macroscopic Traffic Flow Models’’ is to be published in Transportation Science.

  • 2024.6:我组于《IEEE T-ITS》与同济大学、美国普渡大学学者合作发表论文“汽车队列网络协同的近似动态规划方法”。Our paper titled ‘‘An approximate dynamic programming approach to vehicle platooning coordination in networks,’’ co-authored with collaborators from Tongji and Purdue, is accepted by the IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.

  • 2024.5: 我组将在第25届ACM经济学与计算会议展示与北京理工大学等单位合作的课题“全支付拍卖下的顺序淘汰竞赛”。Our work with researchers from Beijing Institute of Technology et al. titled “Sequential Elimination Contests with All-Pay Auctions” will be presented on the 25th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC 2024).

  • 2024.5:我组负责人金力获IEEE高级会员资格。The Lab PI, L. Jin, is promoted to IEEE Senior Member.

  • 2024.4:我组将于2024年中国控制会议汇报武一丹、舒飞翔同学主笔的论文《无信号交叉口车辆序列控制:基于PDMP的解析性能保证》。Our paper “Learning-Based Adaptive Dynamic Routing with Stability Guarantee for a Single-Origin-Single-Destination Network,” authored by Y. Wu, F. Shu et al., is accepted by the 2024 Chinese Control Conference.

  • 2024.3.27:我组以长文形式于《IEEE TCST》发表成相陈同学主笔的论文《无信号交叉口车辆序列控制:基于PDMP的解析性能保证》。Our paper “Vehicle sequencing at signal-free intersections: analytical performance guarantees based on PDMP formulation,” authored by Xiangchen Cheng et al., is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology as a full paper.

  • 2023.12.17:我组以长文形式于《IEEE TAC》发表唐钰同学主笔的论文《随机信息物理扰动下动态流网络的韧性控制》。Our paper “Resilient Control of Dynamic Flow Networks Subject to Stochastic Cyber-Physical Disruptions,” authored by Yu Tang et al., is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control as a full paper.

  • 2023.11.1:宋志豪(本科上海交通大学)、徐浦晨(本科上海交通大学)同学加入我组攻读博士学位,邹一川同学(本科华中科技大学)加入我组攻读硕士学位。Zh. Song (B.Eng. SJTU) and P. Xu (B.Eng. SJTU) join our lab as PhD students. Y. Zou (B.Eng. HUST) joins our lab as a master student.

  • 2023.10.22:我组以长文形式于《Automatica》发表谢倩同学主笔的论文《可靠性及安全性失效下平行服务系统的防御成本管控》。Our paper “Cost-aware Defense for Parallel Server Systems against Reliability and Security Failures,” authored by Qian Xie et al., is accepted by Automatica as a full paper.

  • 2023.9.23: 我组与纽约大学合作论文《信息化扰动下网联车辆数据辅助匝道控制的微仿真研究》获2023年美国运输研究委员会年会录取。Our paper “A Micro-simulation Study of Connected Vehicle Data-aided Ramp Metering Facing Cyber Disruptions” is accepted by the 2023 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting.

联系方式 Contact Information

Address: 800 Dongchuan Lu, Longbin Lou, Rm 424, Minhang, Shanghai 200240, China
电话 Phone: +86 21 34206765 转 Ext. 4241
邮箱 Email: li.jin at sjtu.edu.cn